Affiliate Terms and Conditions

These Affiliate Terms and Conditions (the "Agreement") govern the relationship between BOOMBA (referred to as "Company," "we," or "our") and the affiliate ("Affiliate," "you," or "your") participating in the Company's affiliate program. By participating in the affiliate program, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions.

  • 1. Program Overview

    1.1 The Company offers an affiliate program through which affiliates can earn commissions and provide discounts to their followers.

    1.2 The affiliate program consists of three categories: Free Kols, Paid Kols and Customer

  • 2. Free Kols

    2.1 Free Kols are affiliates who are not compensated monetarily for their promotional efforts.

    2.2 Free Kols will receive a commission of 10% for every sale generated through their unique affiliate link.

    2.3 Free Kols are entitled to provide a discount of 10% to their followers when promoting the Company's products or services.

  • 3. Paid Kols

    3.1 Paid Kols are affiliates who receive compensation for their promotional efforts unless stated otherwise in an individual agreement.

    3.2 Paid Kols are not eligible for commissions on sales generated through their unique affiliate link.

    3.3 Paid Kols are entitled to provide a discount of 10% to their followers when promoting the Company's products or services.

  • 4. Customers

    4.1 Customers are affiliates who are not compensated monetarily for their promotional efforts.

    4.2 Customers will receive a commission of 10% for every sale generated through their unique affiliate link.

    4.3 Customers are entitled to provide a discount of 10% to their family, friends, relative or anyone through word of mouth advertising.

  • 5. Leaked codes

    5.1. Leaked codes are codes that have been published on discount sites and apps outside of KOL's social media pages.

    5.2. Under any circumstance, leaked codes will immediately be changed.

    5.3. Upon deactivation of the leaked code, KOL will no longer receive further payout of commission from their previous code that was leaked.